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Welcome to our Book-based Courses!



Dr. Pennington loves to teach health topics based on Health Experts who practice Integrative and Functional Medicine. Theses courses are designed to explain and assist in achieving optinal results in a supported enviornment. Group accountability adds an element of fun and success! Each book or books are choosen based on the expertise of the author, how doable the program is, and outstanding outcomes. We challenge you to grab a friend and try something new! Watch our calendar page for event listings. Dr. Pennington also does private groups on request.


The 10-Day Detox 


This is a 3-part series of lectures by Dr. Connie Pennington, MD based on Dr. Mark Hyman, MD's book, The 10-Day Detox. The goal is a transition to a whole food diet consisting of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables as well as organic meat choices. The first lecture describes the process and preparation phase. There is an excellent supplement overview. The group then decides on a start date and joins the FaceBook group. The second lecture centeres on detox-hacks that make life easier without sugar, dairy, and gluten. The thrid lecture is a coming together to celebrate results and centers on transitions to healthy life-time diet plans. The is a FREE series that is offered seasonally. 


The Hormone Reset Diet


This is a 4-part course led by Dr. Connie Pennington, MD based on Sara Gottfried, MD's book, The Hormone Reset Diet. This book describes in detail how 7 hormones can be brought into balance by dietary changes. The 21-day diet is designed to demonstrate how food choices are healng to the body with the added bonus of weight loss. Dr. Pennington will also provide medical oversight and order lab testing if needed. This group meets weekly to discuss the book and a strategic plan to follow the 3 week diet to the "T." This is an intense restriction diet that is ideally suited to those willing to make the commitment. It is strongly suggested that you have completed a ten-day detox successfully before embarking on the hormone reset diet.

The Food Babe Way


This book is super educational. You will be shocked by the ingredients in the Standard American Diet! The steps outlined in this book are easy, attainable, and proven. If you follow her advice, in 21 days, you will guaranteed feel better and have a whole new outlook on what you choose to eat. This is a FUN book for a group to follow and has fabulous recipies.  Vani has done all the detective work, and provides name brand healthy choices, while also pointing out the not so good food choices. This group meets twice weekly for an informal discussion followed by a power walk or yoga.

Immune System Intensive


This is a full 6 week course designed to heal autoimmune conditions based on two strategic books; The Autoimmune Solution and The Immune System Recovery Plan. Dr. Pennington combines information from these books, as well as extensive questionnaires to design a plan just for you. This course is ideal for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sjogren's, Raynaud's, Lupus,  as well as thyroid problems and rheumatoid arthritis. The design is to first heal the gut, then support the liver, address the stress connection, and use food as medicine. These are two complex books that offer a lot of information. This course offers extensive summaries and helps you navigate supplements and medications during the process.

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